sheet2Contact  Privacy Policy 

Please read our privacy policy.

The app will not collect your information only with your consent; it only collects the minimum amount of information that is necessary to operate the add-on.

No humans will read any of your data including email messages. If you require technical help, the app may ask you to share your add-on settings with the developer for support.

The app will not store your data on non-Google™ servers. All your settings are stored on Google servers inside the property store of the Google™ project associated with the addon.

The app will not use any of your data for market research, advertising, serving personalized content, retargeting, or recommendations.

The App will only use access to Google Sheet™ and Google Contact™ to Get contact from Google contact™ to sheet, Update contacts from sheet to Google Contact™ and to Create Google Contact™ from sheet on your behalf and will not use your data for any other purpose.

We will not transfer or share your information with others unless doing so is necessary to provide and improve these features, comply with applicable law, or as part of a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets.

Google™ sign-in will authenticate your identity and provide you the option to share certain personal information with us such as your email address. The information you provide is held in strict confidence. We collect this information to generate your user license, send payment receipts and communicate with the user about product updates.

If you no longer desire our service, you may delete or deactivate it by uninstalling our Google™ add-on or by contacting us. We will respond to your request within 5 business days.

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us via email at

Sheet2Contact– Permissions Explained

The Sheet2Contact add-on requires you to grant permissions to several services associated with your Google™ Account. It uses the simple and secure OAuth  protocol to get data from the user’s Google™ account and does not have access to your account password.
> It is required to because sheet2contact has option which allows user to get existing Google contacts™ in to sheet. without this sheet2contact will not work.
> This scope is required to get contact list into sheet, updating contact details from sheet to google contact™ and while creating new contacts. witout this app will not work.
> These scope is required to get the user email id to get who is running the add-on. without this app will not work.
> This is required to set trigger for auto sync at every selected hr, without this app will not work.